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Friday, 28 June 2019



Pronoun - Pronoun is a word used in place of a noun in order to avoid repetition of the noun.

Noun के बदले प्रयुक्त होने वाले Subject को सर्वनाम ( Pronoun ) कहते हैं ।

We may say - Ramesh is absent , because Ramesh  is ill.
But it is better to avoid the repetition of Noun Ramesh and say - Ramesh is absent , because he is ill.

A word that is thus usedistead of noun is called a pronoun  [ Pronoun means for -a-noun.

Kinds of pronoun 

1. Personal pronoun  (पुरूषवाचक सर्वनाम ) -   Word used in place of noun referring to persons.

जब किसी Pronoun का प्रयोग वाक्य मे Subject और Object  के रूप मे किया जाता हैं तो उसे Personal pronoun कहते हैं।

I , we ,you , he, ( she , it ) , they are called personal pronouns because they stand for the three persons , 

1. The person speaking  (I ,we - First person )

2. The person spoken to , ( you - Second person ) 

3. The person spoken of [ he ( she) , it ,they - third person ] 

Example :- I , We , You , He , She , It ,They etc

2. Demonstrative Pronouns ( संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम ) :- Words used for nouns to point out object .

ऐसा word जो object के रूप में आये Noun की ओर संकेत करें , Demonstrative Pronouns कहलाता है ।

Example : - This , that , these , those, etc.

1. This is my book .
2. That is her house .

In the above bold pronouns are used to point out the objects to which they refer and are , therefore , called Demonstrative Pronouns . ( Latin demonstrative , to show clearly )

This , that , etc . are (Demonstrative ) Adjective when they are used with nouns , as ,

This book is mine.
That pen is yours.

3. Relative Pronouns ( सम्बन्धवाचक सर्वनाम ) :- 


Romey Crus said...
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